Working closely with communities in rural central Tanzania to establish and sustain: Water Resources, Agriculture & Forestry Development, Education, Health and Nutritian
What is Amani and what does Amani do?
The Amani Development Organization is a community-related and Christ-centered Non-Government Organization operating in the Chamwino District of Tanzania south of Dodoma. Working in partnership with local comnunities, Amani works to develop the local economy and relieve poverty through the following projects:
Amani Model for Economic Development
The area of Amani activity, shown with the star, has grown significantly since the Amani Center was established in 2006 on property donated by the village of Makang'wa. By 2009, neighboring villages were partners in activity and Amani is assisting with economic development on a regional level today. Click the map to see a comparison of activity in 2009 and 2013.
The cost to drill and equip a well is about $25,000 and the benefits of uncontaminated water are great. Life is totally transformed, the cycle of cholera is broken, the incidence of typhoid is reduced and eye infections in children practically disappear. Amani has now drilled and equipped six wells, restored one abandoned well and completed four "hand dug" wells that are brick lined for long term use. Over 40,000 people from nine local villages rely on clean water funded/provided by Amani.
Water Harvesting
Buildings at the Amani Center and the schools supported by Amani are equipped to collect water during the rainy season for use when it is dry. This picture from the Igondola School shows the "inground" water tank and gutter/pipe delivery system for "harvesting" water.
Extreme poverty and illiteracy go hand-in-hand. To help combat these, Amani Care is emphasising the importance of education by building educational facilities and providing:
•Pre-schooling, kindergarten and primary schooling;
•Vocational training in agriculture, plant propagation and building methodology; and
•Tuition classes open to all students in the community.
Presently there are over 300 children involved in these programs.
Amani's primary aim is to empower the people to overcome poverty through economic development and sustainable agricultural programs. Amani has developed commercial activities that are all managed and operated by local people including:
•Cultivating over 150 acres for food crops including grapes for an expanding viticulture business;
•Operating two grain mills at separate villages;
•Operating an oil processing plant;
•Manufacturing fodder for sale and piggery use;
•Operating a Vocational Training School at Amani Care’s headquarters;
•Establishing and operating two tree nurseries;
•Pioneering a system of drip irrigation suitable to the district; and
•Operating an expanding piggery
•Establishing a Dairy Operation and assisting villagers with marketing dairy products.
Emergency Relief
Amani gives emergency relief to the hungry, neglected, ill and disabled, providing food, medical or other assistance. For the able, Amani offers opporunities including “Work for Relief”. Working for pay helps people afford student tuition and allows them to respond to other pressing needs. Their personal dignity is maintained and, at the same time, the community is empowered to sustain itself. Amani has assisted over 3,000 people through its work for relief program.

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Orphans and Homeless Children
In partnership with local leaders, Amani provides a daily meal and supervision for children who have been abandoned or have lost a parent to AIDS or other disease. The programs care for over 290 children locally as well as 39 homeless street children of Dodoma.
Good health helps break the poverty cycle. In addition to the improved health realized with uncontaminated water, Amani Care has:
•Funded a womens health centre in the village of Makang’wa;
•Entered into a five year partnership with the Mvumi Mission hospital to fund the treatment of eye disease; and
•Established a program to fund emergency medical aid.
Environmental Stewardship
The Tanzanian government is encouraging people to plant trees. In its Forestry Project, Amani has constructed a "shade house" for the propogation of tree sedlings. Amani has also provided training on making "Charcoal Kilns" from oil drums that can be used to convert "forage" into charcoal that can be used for cooking and sold for income.
Micro Loans
Amani and the Village Council are developing programs to offer “Micro-Loans” that would assist with Home Improvement, Herbicide Spraying and Vineyard development These are small loans of $50 to $120 that will be paid back after the harvest or through work at the Amani Center. When the loans are paid back, it will provide “seed money” for new loans.
Tanzania "Freedom Torch" Award
In August each year the Tanzanian Government recognizes a program in each region as benefitial to the people of Tanzania. These programs are honored with the presentation of the "Freedom Torch" and other gifts in ceremonies attended by government dignitaries with military escort. In 2010 the Amani Center and the people of Makang'wa were honored in a great celebration!
Jeannette Rankin Peace Award
The Institute for Peace Studies at Rocky Mountain College chose Father John Naumann as the recipient of the Jeannette Rankin Peace Award for 2012. This award acknowledged his lifelong work of promoting peace on many levels - in particular on a global level.
Grants from Humanitarian Organizations
Amani has recieved grants through the years to support variuous parts of its activity in rural Tanzania. Individual Rotary Clubs, as well as Rotary International, have supported several water projects. Kitchen Table Charities Trust in England supported the building of a Windmill at Mvumi Makulu. The Mary Alphonse Bradley Fund of the Servants of Mary supported Dodoma Children's Home Project. The 40 Chances project of the Howard G. Buffett Foundation chose Amani to receive a grant to support the development of farming operations. (Click on the picture to the Amani report on the "40 Chances" Grant. Anglican Aid Abroad provided funds for the purchase of pigs for VIMECHIA fammilies to raise and sell for school fees and a block making machine for making bricks that can be sold for financial support.

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